HappyTrees Studio

May 6, 2011

Being OK with me...

I'm working through chapter 4 in "The Artist Way" and it's making me come to terms with me. The great and terrifying search, that one question I hope I'm not the only person asking....

Who the hell am I?!?

What do I like? Love? Want? 
What am I really all about?
Some days I can't even figure out what my real goal is....

but then I chill, I do my poses, I meditate, and I work on those damn morning pages...and I realize...sometimes I'm so busy asking myself who I am that I don't shut up enough to realize that my voice, my soul is screaming, bellowing in the background "Hey!!! I'm here!!! Listen dumb ass!!" 
I'm me, forgetful, 35, mother of four, wife, friend, lover, nag, artist. If I'd just be and quit worrying so much about the act of being, just live for this moment and not the next, then I'd know what and who and where I'm all about. I don't know, but that's what I'm going to do right now...just BE.


Unknown said...

I think that is wonderful. Im always worrying too much to actually enjoy my life, and meditation and yoga and art is how I cope. Good to meet people/women/mothers with all the same questions. <3

Devlin Syder said...

You are also a great inspiration. I wouldn't have discovered many of the things that I enjoy doing so much had I not met you. While I'm still doing quite a bit of searching for my own self, I'm glad that you are there to point me in some interesting directions :)