HappyTrees Studio

Nov 20, 2011

Dear Sweet Procrastination

Dear Procrastination,

 I want to break up with you. You keep me from producing anything at all. I don't want to be held down by your lazy impulses and love of bad TV...you are taking up too much of my time and not allowing me to be my true creative self, and it is for that reason...we are through. Do not try to contact me in any way, and if you still have a hand holding back on my muse...LET GO! I need her here as well.



MulticoloredPieces said...

So true. Glad you put this into words. A very good reminder!
best, nadia

ℕo⊻∧ said...

I absolutely love your blog!! I'm trying to figure out how to "follow" your blog! Please follow mine if you'd like!!!! <3 <3 I will be posting my 21 secrets journal pages soon!!!!!