HappyTrees Studio

Oct 28, 2008

Thom Kai Ghai

Tom kai kai/tom kai gai

The yummiest Thai coconut soup ever in the world ...make this NOW.

2 cans cooking coconut milk

1 stalk lemongrass(bruised)

1 can diced tomatoes

1 inch Galanga sliced thin

1 inch Ginger sliced thin

1 can of peeled straw mushrooms

1 can of baby corn

7ish kefir lime leaves

vegetarian fish sauce

red curry paste(to taste, i use the Harris Teeter brand)

I rinse and drain all of my canned vegetables in the sink before i put them in the coconut. Even the tomato a tiny bit. I start with a tsp of curry paste and add throughout the simmer. Usually it will cook for about thirty minutes just to get the best of the flavors out of everything. Try not to let this boil as the milk will break up somewhat...and remember that the galanga, lemongrass, lime leaves, and ginger are not very edible so i pick those out before i serve it. To finish it off i squeeze a half of a lime over it with a hand full of cilantro just ripped off the bunch and tossed on top. You could add some baked tofu to the pot in the beginning if you wanted some protein.

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