Are you ready to glow and grow brightly?
In this on-line 7 week soul-course we will delve deep into ourselves through art, writing, meditation, and yoga.
We'll journal and learn some intuitive painting skills to help us further deepen our relationship with ourselves, we'll also meditate and learn about the chakra's, and which yoga asana's help you with them. I believe that in order to learn about ourselves it is helpful to gather a collective of like minded souls around us. Women often hold feelings of guilt, loneliness, defeat, fear, anger, anxiety and more. Our mission this session will be to connect to the soul and begin to transform our relationship with it through truth and understanding. We will create clarity in our quiet places, energy and joy.
The Fire Within Soulcourse Basics:
Who: All are welcome!! No art, yoga or soul work knowledge necessary! This course is all about YOU.
What: A course to help you better understand your innate truths.
When: Starts January 9th 2013- February 27th 2013
How: Videos, prompts and teachings will be posted on the FW page. Step into the space with an open heart and mind to explore the depths of your soul.
Why: I have been growing into a happier more soul filled person and I want to share that with everyone.
Where: Online, at your own pace.
Your tools will be:
*Weekly videos that take you through art and writing prompts to help you grow.
*Weekly exercises, and prompts to help you delve deeply into yourself.
*Optional community forums in Facebook and Flickr provide safe, advice-free sharing space. I personally observe the classroom comments, as well as interact supportively with feedback in the community Facebook forum during the session.
*PDF of the completed course material delivered to you via email when the course ends.
The Fire Within Soul-course is a place to learn, to connect, to gather tools and soul sharers. It is a sacred place to enjoy and grow where you can rediscover the amazing spirit and soul that resides within you.
Join our collective of creative soul sisters for a heart opening experience, as you learn to see yourself and your experiences truthfully. You will be able to enjoy this course alone or in a collective~there is no way to do this wrong!The focus is entirely on your growth process, with the mindset that you contain all of the intuitive guidance you need within you. TFW soulwork will help you see your potential and realize just how amazingly special you are. We will learn to take and own our places on this earth!
All levels of experience are welcome. No previous yoga or art experience necessary.
Please contact me via email ( with any questions you have about the course or anything else!
Please contact me via email ( with any questions you have about the course or anything else!
Price: You get the 7 week course and all materials for $129.00 If you pre-register before January 3 you can get the class at a $30 savings- all of this for $89.00!
Pre-Register by clicking the pay-pal button below-
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